CFA CFA Level 2 Level II – Reading 44 Fixed Income

Level II – Reading 44 Fixed Income

  • Author
    • saboumboum
        • CFA Level 2

        Hi Guys!

        I’ve got a quite specific question on the reading 44. In the question 4 and 5 in the curriculum, the solution uses (p 381-382), for discounting the Year 1 Cash flows, the par rate instead of the rate in the binomial interest rate tree. It’s the first time I see that. Does someone know why? Are there other cases where you use the par rates instead of the binomial interest rate tree? Thank you in advance!

      • jounin83
          • CFA Level 2

          Hi saboum,

          Here’s the response from CFAI :

          There was a typo in the node for Year 0 in Exhibit 2 ; the number should be 2.2500% instead of 2.5000%. This error will be addressed when the online Level II Errata is updated.

          I hope this helps.

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