CFA CFA Level 2 Best Mock Exams for Level II/Elan 11th Hour Guide

Best Mock Exams for Level II/Elan 11th Hour Guide

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      Hey all! I hope all is going well with everyone’s studies.

      Quick question for you all. I’m gearing up for my mock exams here in a week or two, and was just curious which ones you guys found to be the most helpful/representative of the actual exam. As of right now I’m thinking of going with the following:

      2 Elan Mocks
      3 Schweser Mocks
      1 Boston Society Mock
      1 CFAI Mock

      Also, does anyone have any experience with the Elan 11th Hour Guide? I’ve heard some great things about it. Oh, and also, did Elan ever get back to anyone regarding the discount code?

      Happy studying everyone! Let’s kill it!

    • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
        • CFA Charterholder

        Hey @DollarsToDonuts‌ last I heard we’re speaking to Elan and will get the discount code back up and working. We’ll give a shoutout in the forum when that happens!

      • Avatar of TimBCanadaTimBCanada
          • CFA Level 3

          @DollarsToDonuts it looks like there are 2 mocks available from CFAI this year, so you can do one right away and one closer to June with supplementary ones in between

        • Avatar of ThomasVThomasV
            • CFA Level 2

            Hey great people of 300hours, i’m a CFA level 2 candidate for the second time. I’m about to beat the s*** of some mock in the near future but I wonder on which one should i test myself. I have 6 schweser mock from last year but i already took them last year and i’m worrying to miss the modification made this year . I also got the CFAI mock but i would like to keep him safe for a little while longer.

            Does it worth it to open my not-so-full wallet to buy some more? If yes which one?

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            @ThomasV‌ – we’re checking them out and coming up with a list of roundup of this beginning May, stay tuned for that blog post 🙂

          • Avatar of BetankrichBetankrich
              • Undecided
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              @betankrich oh that looks promising. thank you!

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              @ThomasV‌ how about Schweser this year? We also have discounts on various providers for L2 like Elan (discount incoming), FinanceTrain and AnalystNotes. You can see the latest offers here:

              Unfortunately we don’t have as many great recommendations as we’d like for Level 2 – PassedTense are great but they currently only provide L1. We are constantly talking to providers to focus on areas that you want, so keep the feedback coming!

            • Avatar of ThomasVThomasV
                • CFA Level 2

                Thanks @Sophie i’ll be sure to check out the blog for your post.

                I looked for Schweser this year but 150$ for one book, not seems not worth it right now for me, i’ll maybe change my mind in may. I’ll check the offers on FinanceTrain and AnalystNotes, see if there are more affordable materials for me.

                Waou @TimBCanada i didn’t know about the 2 CFAI, you’re my santa in this great morning. (isn’t it weird what i become enthousiastic about a couples weeks before the exman?)

              • Up

                @DollarsToDonuts‌ – great thread. good to plan in advance certainly!

                Being the practice exam queen advocate, I was just finalising a list of recommendations for you guys in 1-2 weeks time. So stay tuned for that!

                Meanwhile, I’ve managed to get in contact with Elan and awaiting for the discount code. All in all, a long winded way to say: :))

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                Awesome, thanks for the heads up @TimBCanada‌ . I think at this point I’ll be leaning towards the 2 elan mocks I have, the 2 CFAI, and the live Schweser mock at the end of May. I think that should be sufficient and leave me a good amount of time to practice the CFAI EOCs and BBs.

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