CFA CFA Level 1 Will change in sequence of topics for study help me?

Will change in sequence of topics for study help me?

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    • Avatar of shreeneewasshreeneewas
        • CFA Level 1

        I am back to age old broken record of problems of time management during preparation, so please excuse me.

        At the moment I am still on QM though as per the study plan, I should have finished by now. But thinking about study plan makes me even more anxious (and end up counting the pages few more times), in effect wasting more time. This party had just began and I am already in panic mode.

        So I have been thinking of making slight changes to my plan – how about reading two unrelated topics simultaneously? i.e. can one read QM along side Economics / FRA – either on alternate days or on alternate sessions? I get couple of hours in evening and now I am planning to steal 2 hrs early morning – so I will have two study sessions per day. So I can alternative the subjects during these two sessions.

        I would like to go for FRA (more weight age) than Econ – but I am not sure one can read FRA before Economics.

        – you are kindly needed here, any advice please?

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        @shreeneewas yeah i think i said this in a post before as well just a couple of days back re schedules. I said this before a lot of people work well with them. And then there are a lot of people, myself included, that actually freak out when I so much as look at a schedule. Try to find what works for you. I believe that when you are unable to complete something on your schedule, one starts feeling seriously guilty which simply leads to a panicked mind which in technically affects your study speed. So do what works for you. Just cos a lot of people use em, you don’t have to as well.

        I am more a fan of moving chronologically. And I get really messed up when I try to mix two different topics together. If it works for you, go for it. What the heck right? Everything is fair game 😀

      • Avatar of shreeneewasshreeneewas
          • CFA Level 1

          thanks @Maroon5

          I don’t recall too much interrelatedness between topics.!

          Its good if they are not too interrelated. So thanks for confirming that. I may go ahead and try my hands on FRA first. It is good big to cover and would like to spend more time on it.

        • Avatar of shreeneewasshreeneewas
            • CFA Level 1

            @CFAcharterwannabe – thanks, that’s a fair point.

          • Avatar of Maroon5Maroon5
              • CFA Level 1

              hey @shreeneewas – you should do whatever that works for you. I actually did Level 1 last year and just did it chronologically (except leaving Ethics last). Just make sure you cover all the topics if you’re hopping around them! I don’t recall too much interrelatedness between topics.

              Experiment, and then record/monitor your progress and see if it works for you. If it does, stick to it!

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