CFA CFA Level 1 Were the Mock Exams a good representation of your CFA Level I Exams?

Were the Mock Exams a good representation of your CFA Level I Exams?

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      When you took the actual CFA Level I exam, were the Mocks easier, the same, or harder?

      Were the results on your Mocks higher, the same, or lower than the results of your actual CFA Level I exam?

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      The actual CFA L1 exam scores are not released, so there wouldn’t be an actual answer to your second question.

      I found the official CFAI mock exam the closest representation to the actual exam. I’d say I found the mock harder, but I was less prepared both in terms of knowledge and format at the time so it’s hard to say for sure.

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      I second that there were quite a few left-field questions. I did think that the actual one also had them though!

    • Avatar of Dr_Pain28Dr_Pain28
        • CFA Level 2

        I thought the Mock was way harder than the actual exam. I remember them asking some obscure questions that were only briefly mentioned in the readings, so it made me feel stupid and unprepared. The real exam I thought the questions were better written and mroe straight forward.

      • Avatar of RaviVoodaRaviVooda
          • CFA Level 3

          When I took my Level-1, I found Mock was tough and in Level-2 the other way round 🙂 Since you dont have scores you cant compare, but you can compare grades. Ideal way I feel to do is, do around 6 papers+mock, take an average, compare with your exam results. it should do.

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