CFA CFA Level 1 Time Value of Money Calculator

Time Value of Money Calculator

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    • Avatar of DR515DR515
        • Undecided

        Okay so what is everyone’s opinion on the best calculator to use for the exam? 

      • Avatar of FinancialExamAcademyFinancialExamAcademy
          • CFA Charterholder

          Hi DR515
          The CFA institute only authorize two different calculator models: The Texas Instruments BA II Plus and the Hewlett Packard 12C (There are some different versions of the Hewlett Packard calculator but it is essentially the same model). When I sat the tests the vast majority would use the Texas Instrument calculator. The HP calculator seems a bit “old school” for lack of a better description. Unless you are already familiar with the HP calculator (which doesn’t seem to be the case) I would stick with Texas Instruments. You can’t go wrong with that one!

          Best of luck with the test!

        • Up

          Well, what is the best calculator… who could say? It’s all relative to what you feel comfortable with, but I’m going in armed with a Texas Instruments BA II Plus.
          I’m pretty happy with this unit and it seems to do pretty much all I ask of it without too much fuss.

        • Avatar of DR515DR515
            • Undecided

            That’s the one I have now as well and I like it a lot but wasn’t sure if there was a better one out there that people felt worked well. But I think I’ll stick with the BAII Plus as well. Thanks

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