- This topic has 36 replies, 19 voices, and was last updated Aug-178:53 am by
43% passing rate, highest since 2009 and the second highest over the past 10 years!
Good luck…
How long does this email take to receive? Is it something that could take hours? Or is it something that should come relatively fast after 9AM? Still waiting for mine, can’t concentrate on work till I get it!
@hobojoe thank you for the tip, mine was in my Junk folder in gmail for the last half hour! Everyone check your spam/junk folder if you haven’t received it yet.Oh man I’m so excited. 2013 was a difficult year for me professionally and personally, but this makes it all gravy!
Level 2 study mode, digging in for June, game time!! 🙂
Congrats @convexity, @jim, @toeknee9121, @rhino6187, @dpittle, @peekabooitsme, @gebby, @Hobojoe, @edulima, @justinturner! Well done guys – hope that’s a big boost in motivation to work hard for Level 2!
Note your weak areas, these may be accentuated in Level 2, keep us posted on your studies, and do always pop questions to the forum to discuss, exchanging view points always helps you remember better!
Congrats everyone !!!!
You have inspired all of us.
From your comments, the message is even louder for people like me who are from non-finance background that : “this is a BIG challenge and there is no time to rest for next 5 months”
Wish us good luck and stay around.
But for now – have a bash, you deserve it.
I’m celebrating by dropping $1700 on Schweser material and registration fees for Level II. What was that topic on opportunity cost again?….
I’m in the same boat as Justin, on pins and needles. I was expecting it right at 8 am CST and this is very anticlimactic. Can anyone remember how long it took the email to reach them the last time scores were released?
Wow Hobojoe, that is definitely a lucky pass! You must have gotten 100% in the 70+ areas. Sorry tkadylak, must have been close. edulima, that is impressive.
Finally got my results at 6pm EST…pass!
>70% in AI, Equity, Ethics, FRA, Fixed Inc, Port Mgt, Quant
50-71% in Corp Finance, Derivatives, EconWhat a relief that I can now spend another 300 hours on level two!
I passed. Over 70% for all except Economics which is ironic since I was an econ major in college.
Thanks to the users and operators of this site/forum/ for helping me prepare; it made a noticeable difference. Congrats to everyone else who passed.
Thanks for the answer Zee. Yes Rhino, I was just waiting for 9AM to hit, and i received an email at 9AM but it was from Groupon…
>70%: Alt, Derivatives, Equity, Ethics
50-70%: Corp Fin, FI, PM
<50%: FSA, Econ & Quant
Such a relief! Time to kick it into high gear for L2, especially FSA...
Check your junk/spam mail box. That's where mine came in.
Good luck everyone, I have my fingers crossed for you!
>70 Alt
<50 Quant & Econ
Everything else in between.
Band 10
What a kick in the @#$@. Good thing I didn't throw out that level 1 stuff yet.
Thank you @justinturner and @Zee. It was no magic — just sheer intensity — I must have put between 400 and 500 hours, so likely an overkill. But given my situation (older, balancing family & work & study) I didn’t want to take a chance.
@tkadylak, I’m sure you can go get this one in June. Gather your forces and put on a strong case for yourself in 4 months. -
Thanks Hobojoe, it was in my junkmail folder…weird as all other CFA emails come through.
>70 8 out of 10 topics
50-70 Eco and Corp. Fin. -
@justinturner, yeah my result was very polar. If I had to guess I’d say I barley missed the middle bracket in FSA. Econ and Quant not so much. I believe I did really well on all the 70%+ topics as those were my strong suit going into the exam.
Yeah check your Spam box. I spent 3 hours refreshing my inbox but it showed up in Spam at 9:56 EST.
>70 Ethics, Equity, Corp. Fin, &Alts
51-70 FRA, PM, Quants, & FI
<50 Econ & Derivatives -
yes it was sitting in spam since 9:03 am!!!! so annoying
I think I may have “just” passed – considering that i have less than 50% in 4 different subject areas. Will need to step it up for level 2.
>70% Alts, Corp Fin, Ethics, Equity
51-70 FRA, FI
<50% Econ, PM,Quants, Derivatives -
Forgot to include my scoring breakdown, which was a follows…
>70 % in Alt. Investment, Derivatives, Equity, Ethics, Portfolio Management
51-70 % in Corp. Finance, Economics, FR&A, Fixed Income, Quantitative methods
<50 % in nothing
I used the Schweser review materials with online video courses for my review, the $1,000 package. I hated spending the money but it seems worth it now; the video courses seemed to expedite the learning process.
Professional/Educational background:
- B.S. in Accounting from a state school (directional, not the flagship state university) most known for football
- Former Big 4 firm auditor (spent two years in that racket) and I'm a licensed CPA. Been doing some real estate valuation work (pretty simple though, nothing complex) for the last six months or so.Ironically, as a CPA I still scored 51-70% in FR&A. That just goes to show how much I hate boring old accounting. I'm switching to finance.
Forgot to add my breakdown too …
>70 % in Alt. Investment, Derivatives, Equity, Ethics, Corp Finance
51-70 % in PM, Fixed Income
<50 % in Econ, QM, FRA
I think in aggregate, I landed somewhere in the 63-68 percentile. Regardless, I am glad it is over!
Congrats @Hobojoe, @edulima, @justinturner, @rhino6187!
Ah, you were so close @tkadylak – giving it another go in June I hope? You did well considering your situation at that time!
Passed…Thanks to everyone on the forum for all the helpful posts and discussions!
Got my email at like 9:06 AM.
>70 in all sections BUT FSA and Econ which were 51-70.FWIW, on Analystforum, it appeared a good deal of people got crushed in Econ and found it to definitely be the most difficult.
That’s unlucky @tkadylak…must have been extremely close. You will get it next time no problem. Congrats on the baby though!
Best of luck to everyone else!
Serious congrats to everyone who passed from my end! Man you guys must feel like rock stars ATM. Enjoy it cos you definitly deserve it 🙂
To those that didn’t make it I know it feels really bad right now. I’ve been there. Just don’t lose heart and try again. When you pass again, its going to be really damn sweet. Just eyes on the prize and loads of good luck from my end!
Passed…Thanks to everyone on the forum for all the helpful posts and discussions!
Got my email at like 9:06 AM.
>70 in all sections BUT FSA and Econ which were 51-70.FWIW, on Analystforum, it appeared a good deal of people got crushed in Econ and found it to definitely be the most difficult.
As usual, we’ll be doing our topical analysis on this exam as well. I’ll share on this forum when we get the results in.
@rhino6187 it can take a few hours unfortunately.
The silver lining is that it’s better than what it was before (i.e. posted on the website). The website basically crashes for hours and generally is inaccessible 🙂
I had a baby on 11/26, which killed my last second cram time. I still felt prepared, and that I passed afterwards, but I’ll be much better off next time around.
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