CFA CFA Level 1 Schweser Flash Cards

Schweser Flash Cards

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      Looking for some insight on the flash cards available from Schweser for the Level I exam.

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      I believe I will have time to read through the provided ebooks, just looking for the best and least expensive way
      to supplement the reading. I hadn’t even thought of the secret sauce book. I appreciate the advice.

      Thank you!

    • Avatar of tachemantacheman
        • CFA Charterholder

        I always found that making your own flashcards were way better – writing them down is at least 50% of the learning you get from the flashcards.

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        Hi @tb15,

        I bought the Schweser flash cards for Level 1 and I found them far too comprehensive, i.e. there is too much content for them to be considered flash cards in the traditional sense. They will ask you about a simple concept on the front and then have 3 paragraphs on the back of the card explaining the concept, not a great tool for retention, at least in my opinion.

        I would recommend the Secret Sauce book instead! Great tool!

        Good luck in your studies!

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