CFA CFA Level 1 Need a perfect Guide for my carrier

Need a perfect Guide for my carrier

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      Hi to all,
      Am new for every thing am a fresh MBA(finance) graduate with the under graduation of,
      Now i started my Carrier as a marketing executive in a share brokerage firm in dubai. but i have a great passion in finance sector so i want to do CFA in 2015
      i have a keen iterest to do it but i dont know how to start and is it a right time for me to study CFA?? anyone please guide me for my carrier.

    • Avatar of Maroon5Maroon5
        • CFA Level 1

        Hi @vincent, welcome to the 300H community.

        First of, what area of finance are you interested in? It sounds like starting off at a share brokerage is a good start, but the term finance is so broad, you need to narrow down what you’d like to explore career wise, before we all can chip in with our thoughts, especially on suitability of CFA for your goals.

      • Avatar of GunnersaurusGunnersaurus
          • CFA Level 1

          Hi @vincent, I would say the CFA will definitely help you become a portfolio manager (among other things). My sense is that the sooner you get through it, the better it is. Life will always have obstacles so putting the exams off isn’t a great strategy. Trust me on that one 😉 Not to mention that you’ll need a lot relevant work experience for a PM role.
          Hope that helps!

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          Hi @maroon5 thank you for your response.
          I want to become a portfolio manager . but i dont know is it a best start for my carrier to became a portfolio manager?.

          Second thing, i didn’t have any work experiance and am a fresher for a work circumstance from this point is there any possibilities for me to do CFA? but i have studied Accounting and Finance for past 7 years of study from my schooling to post graduation.

          Third thing, What are the essential things i have to do for CFA examination?

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