CFA CFA Level 1 I Created InvestQuest, a free CFA formula sheet and around 1,000 questions

I Created InvestQuest, a free CFA formula sheet and around 1,000 questions

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    • Avatar of NasPasNasPas
        • Undecided

        First off, I applaud you for tackling the CFA journey. It’s not only tough but also quite expensive, and I genuinely respect anyone who’s taking it on.

        I’m thrilled to share something I’ve been working on to support fellow CFA candidates. I’ve created InvestQuest, a free resource to help us all navigate this challenging path.

        🌐 Website:

        Here’s what you can find on InvestQuest:

        • Formula Sheets: The real gold on the site is the formula sheet, which is about 26 pages long. It contains all the essential formulas you need for the CFA exams, neatly organized for easy reference.
        • Practice Questions: I’ve put together around 1,000 practice questions to help you assess your standing and prepare effectively.

        I created InvestQuest because I know firsthand how difficult it can be to find reliable study resources. This site is my way of giving back and supporting our community. It’s by no means complete or free from errors, and I highly recommend enrolling with a reputable provider for your main study material.

        P.s: First time posting here, so mods go easy on me, and let me know if there was a rule I missed. Please if you have found any error email my at and my (stage) name is NAS

        NasPas voted up
      • Avatar of StolliffindStolliffind
          • CFA Level 1

          I’m eager to dive in, explore the resources, and connect with the community. Together, I believe we can overcome the challenges and emerge as confident, knowledgeable finance professionals.

          uno online


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