CFA CFA Level 1 Chalk and Board, Bloomberg prep or Mark Weldrum?

Chalk and Board, Bloomberg prep or Mark Weldrum?

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    • Avatar of ThaisThais
        • CFA Level 1

        I took bloomberg free trial and thought their explanations of the calcations and formulas weak.

        I considering Mark Meldrum but once I figured he is not CFA I backed out. It is confusing how a person can teach about something they don’t have. But I have to point out that it was a referral from a friend that was approved using his course.

        I came across Chalk and board and from what I could gathered, it would be the best method for me, cause he seem to explain the concepts amd formulas thoroughly and provide further explanations when asked.

        Any advice? Reviews about the courses that I metioned? It is enough just with chalk and board?

        Any help is appreciated.

        Thanks in advance.

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