CFA CFA Level 1 Bad Self Test Scores

Bad Self Test Scores

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    • RoyD
        • Undecided

        I’m talking about the Schweser Notes which have a Self Test after every subject or topic completed. They ask you to time them too. I’ve noticed that over time my self test scores are beginning to drop at a steady rate. Plus for some reason I score well on the subjects that seem difficult (scored 100% on Economics) whereas I just scored 60% in Corporate Finance which I thought was very easy.
        However my average score combining all the subject is now 72%. I’m going to start Derivatives, Fixed Income and Alternative Investments in the coming days and expect this average to drop since the subjects seem difficult. Should I be worried if my average drops below 70% ? Are these Schweser Notes tests at a higher, lower or same level as the actual CFA exam (just asking personal opinion)?

      • Zee Tan
          • CFA Charterholder

          @policedog‌ has a point. Also, I wouldn’t put too much thought into your scores just yet – save that for when you start with mocks and practice exams.

          I’m moving this to the ‘CFA Level I’ category – ‘CFA Practice Questions’ is for questions that forum members can answer and discuss. Thanks!

        • kungpow9960
            • CFA Charterholder

            I agree with @policedog and @zee as well. The self tests are somewhat useful, but you shouldn’t put too much stock in the scores themselves. Best thing, in my opinion, is to use them as a measuring stick for your understanding of the material. Especially if you feel it’s easier yet you’re getting low scores. Dissect the solution and see where in your attempt to solve the problem you went wrong. Or identifying, as @policedog said, how they’re tripping you up and what to look for so you don’t get it wrong in December/June.

            I would advise also not to have a running average score going because that shouldn’t be your focus. You run the risk of focusing only on getting that number above some numeric level and that’ll drive you crazy. I know that’s easy for me to say!

            The practice problems are there to help you learn the concepts and methods for solving the problems, so getting them wrong is actually fine.

          • RoyD
              • Undecided

              Well one thing I’ve noticed is that I tend to perform significantly better when I don’t time myself. For some reason it makes me think more clearly. Even to a certain extent I do find the slightly indirect questions tough.
              @kungpow9960 I guess you’re right in the fact that I shouldn’t give too much thought on running average scores. Anyways I’m scheduled to complete the portion by 22 October which gives me more than a month for practice and revision so I should be getting a better measure of my knowledge then.

            • policedog
                • Undecided

                What are the nature of your mistakes? From what you’re saying it seems to me that the mistakes might be due to misunderstanding the question or ‘tricky’ questions. Corporate finance is especially tricky.

                If it is confusion about the wording or tricky questions, then more practice will sort it out.

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