CFA CFA General Why are you doing this?

Why are you doing this?

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    • Avatar of WesMantoothWesMantooth
        • CFA Charterholder

        I’m looking to get mentally prepared for level 3. I find it necessary to psych myself up leading up to prolonged intense study sessions. I’ve found that the best way to do that is to remind myself of why I’m doing the CFA program. My reason for doing the program is to achieve financial freedom for me and my family. I believe that this program will improve my skill set and open up the right doors to progress my career to achieve this overall goal. Whenever I’m feeling tired or unmotivated I like to watch this Ray Lewis video and it makes me laugh but also gives me goosebumps every time!

        Some of the lines are super cheezy but they ring true!
        Why are you doing this program and what motivates you to spend 300+ hrs preparing for each level?

      • Avatar of AlphaDollAlphaDoll
          • Undecided

          …because there’s too many PhDs trained in the biomedical sciences for the number of jobs available  (there is no STEM shortage…it’s a myth.  Google it.). 

          Since I want to have a job someday that doesn’t involve being a bench research scientist, following protocols with no intellectual output… 
          I decided to pursue my other interest:  FINANCE!  And now I know I can combine them together and become a research equity analyst. 

        • Avatar of hairyfairyhairyfairy
            • Undecided

            I have a less exciting reason – work kind of requires me to get it done 🙂

            But it’s helped a lot at work, so no regrets!

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