CFA CFA General Let’s be silly!

Let’s be silly!

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      Hey guys!

      I believe that the human brain is really complex and super twisted. So just the other day, I was reading economics; I was in the “study machine mode” with a cup of coffee by my side and some classical music in the background. Then, all of a sudden, from nowhere, while looking at a graph in the book, I got this thought in my mind: ” Why does Schweser have the face of a lady on every book of theirs and why is she always smiling? Has she read, retained and understood the entire CFA Curriculum? How does she do it? Does she put her books/laptop under the pillows and absorb information through osmosis? Damn, I should try that! ” 

      How about you guys? What are the silly things that you think while studying? It;ll be fun to read what goes on in the mind of a person studying for these exams! So, please do share your crazy thoughts here!


      PS: That night, I did put the Book 2 of Schweser Notes under my pillow and went off to sleep. Just wanted you guys to know that no information whatsoever was magically transported into my brain. In case you guys were wondering, osmosis doesn’t work, not one bit. I guess only hard work, works! That’s why I think, we need such a thread where we can post some of our funny, silly experiences and come back to read it any time we want, for some stress relief or a short break from the formulas and the definitions and the LOS! So post away!!

    • mattyc
        • CFA Charterholder

        Haha great post @jessmat I thought I was the only weirdo but I’ve found myself wondering about the book cover woman too and began to resent her as her smile eventually morphed from pleasant looking to cruelly mocking my suffering. I remember cracking up at a problem last year that stealthly included a reference from the movie Army of Darkness although no one else I showed found it nearly as humorous. I also developed a subconcious love affair with the word heteroskedasticity and would say it as if I was Will Ferrell from Elf saying ‘Fransico’. I guess all that time in the library can make you a little delusional!

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        Hmmm…. I’ve never tried putting a book under the pillow. I guess I just thought that the CFAI curriculum on FRA was a bit too thick and might give me either A) Earache, or B) A stiff neck by the morning.
        I have often wondered however why almost every management strategy or study book has a silhouette of a woman in a pencil skirt walking away into the distance with an overlaid graph heading up from bottom left upwards to top right (with a little correction in the middle). Is this some subliminal message to say that “Our material WILL make you better than you were before. Watch out for the dip in your own self confidence in the middle, but you will pass! Either that or everyone will walk away from you and you’ll have no friends or business associates in the future”…

      • policedog
          • Undecided

          @jessmat‌ my german shepherd is a police academy reject 🙂

        • policedog
            • Undecided

            @maverick right back at you!

          • hairyfairy
              • Undecided

              @jessmat‌ being a fairy was somewhat of a childhood ambition 🙂 so that filtered through whenever I chose an email address or username etc. Hairy is just something to rhyme with it 🙂

            • policedog
                • Undecided

                @Maverick‌ I can explain the pencil skirt – it’s good for the economy.

              • hairyfairy
                  • Undecided

                  What about @jessmat? What’s the story behind that? 🙂

                • Up

                  @policedog‌ Mine’s dull mate. Not even anything to do with Top Gun.
                  Back in my 10-pin bowling league days we used to do a side-game of poker;- Two cards for a strike and one for a spare. Didn’t matter, even if I had an awful night and only picked up 5 cards in 3 whole games of bowling I managed to win the poker for 6 weeks in a row though pure luck, so the team captain started calling me The Maverick from the poker film of the same name.

                  I’ve tried to improve my lack of interestingness and drop my geek score since, but “Maverick” has just followed me around.

                • Up

                  @hairyfairy Interesting! Scary rhymes with fairy too! 😉 But scaryfairy would be an oxymoron of sorts!

                  @sophie That’s a great idea! I’ll put up a picture a soon! 🙂 

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                  Lol, thanks for the scorning @jessmat‌. In all fairness, this was pre-study time just before she went to bed.
                  It seems to be a common theme with the kids. I’m sure I’ve got a pic of my boy reading a Goldman Sachs client presentation brochure somewhere as well. I’ll try and get a real pic of the study area to check for distractions at some point.

                  Where’s your study area Jess? I’ve shown you mine, now you you have to show me yours… :blush: 

                • policedog
                    • Undecided
                    jessmat said:
                    PS: That night, I did put the Book 2 of Schweser Notes under my pillow and went off to sleep. Just wanted you guys to know that no information whatsoever was magically transported into my brain. In case you guys were wondering, osmosis doesn’t work, not one bit.

                    I tried that too, hahaha! It’s just one of those ideas that seems so dumb that no one must be trying it, but surprisingly I think quite a few people I know have thought about it / tried it.

                    Any other superstitions / rituals / experiments?

                  • Up

                    Hmmm… didn’t know that “B )” without the space was forum shorthand for a little dude with sunglasses on.

                    Ritual number 1, Open the book.
                    Ritual number 2, Read it.
                    Ritual number 3, if falling asleep, close book.
                    Ritual number 4, if ritual 3 doesn’t work, then soldier on, get in a mess and then post ridiculous questions on

                  • Up

                    @policedog I was just wondering, what is the inspiration behind the username “policedog”? Love the profile picture though. Dogs are adorable! 

                  • Up

                    Thanks @hairyfairy‌, I wish I was a fighter pilot, but I think that’s pretty unlikely to happen now.
                    Bless, I think I lot of girls want to be fairies in all honesty… Actually so do a few guys that work in my office.

                    Struggling to think of other silly games we can play and trying to hold back the tumbleweed from blowing in and ruining our fun.

                  • Up

                    Aha, there is one game we could all do, it’s called Spot the Distractions – share a picture of your ‘study zone’ with the community 😉

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                    @Sophie‌ That is sooooo… funny. I was going to take a pic last night and then thought better of it. Okay I’ll get one later.

                  • Up

                    Can’t wait to see the state of your study desk @jessmat‌ @Maverick‌ 😉

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                    Tch Tch. Your daughter is studying instead of you! You should be ashamed of yourself! 😉

                    She is absolutely adorable! Love the PJs too! I wonder how you manage to focus on your studies with that cute distraction at home! That must require a lot of will-power!

                  • Up

                    @hairyfairy : My name: Jessica Matthews, thus jessmat!! I would love to know your story!!!

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                    @Maverick‌ My laptop seems to have given up! That’s why I haven’t been able to upload the picture. Will post it soon!!

                    Looks like your children are going to follow you on the path of finance when they grow up!! Good for you :stuck_out_tongue: 

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                    We could keep this going couldn’t we @hairyfairy‌? What’s your story?

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                    It’s coming @sophie I promise.
                    I so wanted to study last night and then ended having to deal with the A/C breaking down in my little girl’s room, which isn’t good in a country where it’s feeling cooler now, but that still means 36C (97F), moving her bed so she could have a camp out with her big brother, various other issues, including but not limited to my boy’s friend from school not being picked up by its parent’s till quite late.
                    I opened the book, went to get a coffee, realized I had to quickly work on some papers for work today, and then just slumped to a very early bedtime. Shambles 😥 

                  • hairyfairy
                      • Undecided

                      I’m always at work when I see this thread. Can’t take a picture of my workplace…. 

                    • Up

                      Haha nice one @Maverick, a cute distraction I must say! She’s inspecting whether you’ve read through thoroughly and highlight the right text in orange

                    • Up

                      @policedog‌ so the typical skirt on said book woman typically being just above the knee meansthat our book publishers are not entirely confident in their market sentiment?
                      Oddly the predictive text on this phone suggests words that could follow the word you just typed, and the suggestion after I wrote “book publishers are not entirely” was… Retarded.
                      Made me chuckle a little as I wait here for an hour and a half for a doctors appointment anyway. Bored, very bored.

                    • hairyfairy
                        • Undecided

                        Cool nickname though!

                      • Up

                        Okay folks. My workspace… spot the distractions?

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