CFA CFA General Expired passport

Expired passport

  • This topic has 7 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 3d by Avatar of MarthaLindsayMarthaLindsay.
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      Apologies if this was answered elsewhere. My passport is expired and the chance of getting a renewal by the Sept 24th level one exam deadline is slim. Has anybody ever signed up with an expired passport and updated the info later? Can it even be done and why do they want a passport no. of all things???!!!

    • Avatar of policedogpolicedog
        • Undecided

        Your passport has to be valid for registration I’m afraid.

        They want passport details as they will use it to verify your identity when you take the exam. It’s one of the few pieces of identity requirements that works across all countries.

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        Mine is not yet expired, but will be prior to the testing date.  The site won’t allow you to register if your passport is currently expired, but will if it will expire in the future.  However, a pop-up displays notifying you that your passport will expire prior to the testing date and provides the link to fill out the information change request form.  CFAI indicated that you may register in such a case and simply fill out the form prior to the printing of exam tickets (it takes a week+ for them to update your info).

      • Avatar of TimBCanadaTimBCanada
          • CFA Level 3

          Mine expired before my exam but after I signed up. I made sure to update it with their process once it was renewed, and well before the exam date. Worked out fine. If you can’t get it before they print out the exam tickets then it’ll be too late I would think. @jprker above is correct

        • Avatar of TrensicaTrensica
            • CFA Level 1

            Is there any reputable passport renewal address? I urgently need my passport but I don’t have too much time.

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          • Avatar of fararefarare
              • Undecided

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            • Avatar of AlanossAlanoss
                • CAIA Level 1

                In order to ensure your identification during the test, they will need information from your passport. Among the few pieces of identification that are universally accepted, it is a must-have.

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