Best CFA Study Materials – Our Shortlist

best cfa study material

Decided to take the CFA exams? Welcome! 🙂

Quite often, the next question becomes which CFA study materials should I get, if any? One of the main benefits of third party CFA study materials is that they help candidates save time by summarizing the Learning Outcome Statements (LOS) you need to cover in the CFA curriculum.

With so many product choices and studying methods out there, it can be difficult to discern which CFA study materials or prep course works best for you – simply because everyone studies differently.

We are here to help you cut your research time on your CFA prep provider shopping, so you can just get on with studying!

cfa study material shortlist

– This page will be constantly updated as we thoroughly vet and review suitable CFA study material providers that reach out to us.

– Best thing to do is check out the CFA prep provider profiles and reviews below, go for a free trial and see if you like it.

– If you’ve got any questions, drop a comment in our forum. Or else, happy studying!

Featured CFA Study Materials


Let’s start with a quick summary of the CFA prep providers in our shortlist:

  • Kaplan Schweser has been around the CFA prep industry for the longest time, for a good reason. They do good quality books that summarizes the CFA curriculum key points, speeding up your reading of the material. They have a good amount of practice questions too. If you’re into reading from books, then practice, i.e. old school style, they are a good bet.
  • Salt Solutions is another quality provider. They are cost effective given the high quality platform, videos and practice questions they provide. They are focused on video lectures with accompanying slides, but also have study notes, question banks and other accompanying study aids.
  • Bloomberg on the other hand is quite different: they break down the curriculum into micro lessons, and everything is done online. Some users have commented on the errors of their question bank. Bloomberg has received this feedback but we are not sure if this has been resolved or improved as yet.
  • CFA Institute produces great-quality materials – their mocks are free and the best examples of mocks you can get. Their in-notes practice questions are also amazing practice.
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Kaplan Schweser feature image

Other CFA Study Materials

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