Student Lounge Best video game console?

Best video game console?

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    • Avatar of Dr_Pain28Dr_Pain28
        • CFA Level 2

        What console do you think is better/are going to get? Be sure to say why.

        pobiwox600 voted up
      • Up

        I’ll get whatever that let’s me play this:

      • Avatar of Dr_Pain28Dr_Pain28
          • CFA Level 2

          @Sophie I am Xbox (my username is my gamertag) all the way and already have the x-box one pre-ordered. I’m super excited.

        • Up

          I am all playstation – my spouse and I each have our own ps3s 🙂

        • Avatar of Dr_Pain28Dr_Pain28
            • CFA Level 2

            @MattyJ Yes I know the pain. I have so many 360 games lying around that I’m going to have to have both the 360 and the One to play my older games. I’m just not sure how much I’ll want to play an older 360 game when i could play a newer One game. But it is annoying to spend so much money and not be able to keep playing them.

          • Up

            PS4 it is then! so excited, haven’t played games for AGES

          • Avatar of Dr_Pain28Dr_Pain28
              • CFA Level 2

              @Zee I haven’t played it. I remember when it came out a while back it got a lot of hype. Do you like it?

            • Up

              @Dr_Pain28 – you’re indeed in serious trouble :)) Tell us which you like better

            • Avatar of Dr_Pain28Dr_Pain28
                • CFA Level 2

                Very true. They just announced Unchartered 4 and a DLC for The Last of US.

              • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
                  • CFA Charterholder

                  Where’s PS3?

                • Up

                  I don’t think you can beat the N64, even with better graphics etc, the games were phenomenal.

                  I voted PS4. I have always been an Xbox man to date but have been very frustrated with them over the lasy year or so. I appreciate they want to make it a Home Entertainment System, but actually all I want is a games console and ability to play DVD’s. I tried downloading the iPlayer app on the 360, and when it finally downloaded it told me I had to be an Xbox Live Gold Member to use it. This wound me up seeing as all my other devises allow me to use iPlayer for free.

                  As such I am gonna give the PS4 a try.

                • Up

                  @sophie You bought a PS3 just for FFXI? Should have picked up a second hand PS2 instead!

                  I thought the XBox One was going to require an internet connection or something in order to work? Or have MS backed down on that because it was such a bad idea?

                • Avatar of Dr_Pain28Dr_Pain28
                    • CFA Level 2

                    @Zee I’m so excited for GTA 5! September 17th! I lived in Los Angeles for a few years so it will be awesome to be able to play there!

                    Currently I’m going to play ‘The Last of Us’. (PS3) Supposedly the reviews said it was the best console game made so far.

                  • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
                      • CFA Charterholder

                      @dr_pain28 I didn’t like God of War so much though. It was a lot of running around and button-mashing.

                    • Avatar of ArbitrageurArbitrageur
                        • CFA Level 3

                        I don’t play games too much anymore, so the Xbox One’s ability to become a predictive voice-controlled universal remote is a huge plus for me (in fact, it’s well worth the price of admission ). I think the PS4 will wind up being the better gaming console though (just like it did with PS3 vs. 360).

                      • Avatar of Dr_Pain28Dr_Pain28
                          • CFA Level 2

                          @Christine I just downloaded the first plants vs. zombies for me phone. It’s really fun. As for the new one garden warfare is coming out on the Xbox one, xbox 360 at the launch of the game in spring 2014 and it will later come out for PC.

                        • Up

                          @Dr_Pain28 I’m a seasoned veteran on the PvZ! 😉

                        • Avatar of Dr_Pain28Dr_Pain28
                            • CFA Level 2

                            @Christine I just got to level 5-3. So i think i’m almost done.

                          • Avatar of vincenttvincentt
                              • CFA Level 3

                              Thought of “investing” in one after May next year, plenty of time to read feedback and decide.

                            • Up

                              @Dr_Pain28 enlighten me with the pros and cons? I must admit I’m quite a noob in the console world and I only got ps3 for Final Fantasy 11 😛

                            • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
                                • CFA Charterholder

                                I actually think the ‘best’ gaming console if you rank by number of hours played might be my mobile phone…

                              • Up

                                I don’t play games consoles per se, but I’m a recovering Football Manager (PC) addict…I know it’s only a matter of time before I start using again, just hope I can stay strong during my CFA studies! =P~

                              • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
                                  • CFA Charterholder

                                  I’m currently playing Godfather 2 on the PS3. When I have time anyway. Anyone played it?

                                • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
                                    • CFA Charterholder

                                    It’s pretty good so far! Main gameplay is similar to GTA but with a business / sim element to it.

                                  • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
                                      • CFA Charterholder

                                      @Dr_Pain28 massive jealousy! Would appreciate advice on which to go with BTW 😀

                                    • Avatar of Dr_Pain28Dr_Pain28
                                        • CFA Level 2

                                        @Zee That is a tough question since a lot of it is personal opinion and what you plan on doing with the system. For me I think that the Xbox is better than the PS4. It can do a lot more stuff currently. Being able to plug my sattelite tv through the xbox is actually pretty cool. With the kinect voice commands (which are really easy once you learn the exact way to say the command) lets me do pretty much anything I want by just talking. (Change channels, adjust volume, go to the home screen, open various apps etc.) One cool thing it does is turn on (off) your tv for you when you turn on (off) your xbox. So all that is pretty cool. Also the kinect is incorporated in some games too. For example in battlefield when you are aiming down the sights you can tilt your head and the in-game character will lean so you can jeck around corners. (I didn’t know that was going to happen the first time, so when I was slouchingmy character tilted and I died lol) The PS4 is cool too though. I would pass on the PSeye because it doesn’t really do anything. It’s supposed to log you in and such but it never works that way. My favorite part about the playstation is the controller. The light bar is pretty cool. In certain games it will flash different colors when you are getting shot or hurt etc. And the touch pad will be cool once it is incorporated into more games. The main issue I have with the palystation is the lack of games it has right now. Their launch line-up wasn’t as good as the xbox, but that will change soon. I bought the playstation for the cool exclusive games it will have so I’m waiting for those to come out. (Unchartered 4, Infamous, Order 1886) So long story short, I think the xbox is the better system, but you need to decide what games you want to play. Both will be really fun!

                                      • Avatar of Dr_Pain28Dr_Pain28
                                          • CFA Level 2

                                          @zee I agree that PS has some great exclusive games. That why i splurged and got both. But the majority of the games are going to come out on both so you should be ok either way. ITs just that the xbox can do some other cool stuff outside of playing games that gives it the edge.

                                        • Up

                                          hahah love this @Dr_pain28! I’m just thinking about this too – currently own a ps3 but haven’t played much of it for a while. but have been hearing great things about Xbox One?

                                        • Avatar of Dr_Pain28Dr_Pain28
                                            • CFA Level 2

                                            @Zee I was curious about the upcoming new consoles coming out. Right now it’s quite similar to the big debate almost 9 years ago about which one was better ps3 or the 360.

                                            It might be hard for me to answer your question without too much bias lol. But from my research the Xbox and playstation should be similar in the graphics and game quality. The games made for each console is an issue because some games only come out for one console or the other. (Microsoft has been trying to get the rights to some exclusive playstation games though, final fantasy, metal gear solid etc. ) The big difference in my mind is that the Xbox one is made to be te center of your living room entertainment having the ability to use certain apps, being able to run your cable or satellite through the Xbox, and they are linking windows phones and the surface tablet with the Xbox too. But for full disclosure the playstation 4’s hardware is better, just like the ps3, so it technically can have better graphics, and it is $100 cheaper.

                                          • Avatar of Dr_Pain28Dr_Pain28
                                              • CFA Level 2

                                              @Tim Yeah the wii in my mind is only fun for parties and you had to have either a playstation or Xbox for the good games that come out.

                                            • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
                                                • CFA Charterholder

                                                I don’t think I ever laughed harder while playing a console game than when I played Warioware on the original Wii for the first time though…

                                              • Up

                                                Playstation also is going to be backwards compatible so you can still play your ps3 games on it too. (X-box isn’t going to be backwards compatible)

                                                Thank you for reminding me! That was another thing that really annoyed me about the 360…I had loads of awesome games that cost a fortune on the Xbox, and I could barely play any of them on the 360. Some, such as Timesplitters (a personal fave) you couldn’t even purchase in 360 format!

                                              • Avatar of Dr_Pain28Dr_Pain28
                                                  • CFA Level 2

                                                  @MattyJ I was just checking online and apparently the ps4 isn’t going to be backwards compatible either. That puts a little bit of a damper on it for me.

                                                • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
                                                    • CFA Charterholder

                                                    The Last of Us has the same developer as Uncharted, and I really like that series. Entertaining but not that replayable though.

                                                  • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
                                                      • CFA Charterholder

                                                      @Dr_pain28 seems like xbox one then. Pity – I like the PS4 controller better, and PS games are much better.

                                                      I’ll most likely wait until the hardware refresh happens though. Things are too crazy at the moment to be able to do anything about consoles…. 🙁

                                                    • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
                                                        • CFA Charterholder

                                                        I will miss anything done by Naughty Dog though.

                                                      • Up

                                                        I thought it said “BEST CONSOLE EVER”… then I clicked on the choices and got a bit worried that you didnt have Super Nintendo, Playstation 2, or Dreamcast on there. lol

                                                        Nevertheless, its all about the PS4. I currently have an Xbox 360, and I love it. However, the PS4 is cheaper, stronger, has more room to grow, and better exclusives.

                                                      • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
                                                          • CFA Charterholder

                                                          @handullz can’t beat nostalgia, so for best ever I’d give way to the SNES…

                                                        • Up

                                                          Poor Wii U.

                                                        • Avatar of Dr_Pain28Dr_Pain28
                                                            • CFA Level 2

                                                            @djwestwood Microsoft did change that policy so you no longer need to have it constantly connected to the internet. Microsoft also changed the game sharing policy where each game would be linked to a specific console, so now you can use used games, and share your games like normal.

                                                            I remember that game. It was the first one that really used the motion controls well for the Wii. And it is true that the younger generation is more interested in mobile gaming (although I don’t get why). So games for phones and tablets are becoming more and more popular.

                                                            I totally agree with you on the N64. I still have mine hooked up. Can’t beat Goldeneye, Ocarina of Time and Supersmash Bros. As for the playstation 4 I am seriously considering getting that as well so i can play the playstation exclusive titles. Playstation also is going to be backwards compatible so you can still play your ps3 games on it too. (X-box isn’t going to be backwards compatible) But as for the paid subscription, Sony is going to start charging $50 a year for the playstation network subscription.

                                                          • Avatar of Dr_Pain28Dr_Pain28
                                                              • CFA Level 2

                                                              Yeah I’m having a really fun time playing it. Uncharted is another game I’m interested in playing down the road. I just picked up the God of War series so that is next on the list

                                                            • Avatar of Dr_Pain28Dr_Pain28
                                                                • CFA Level 2

                                                                @Zee oh. I just saw it got good reviews. I’ll give it a go to see what it’s like.

                                                              • Avatar of policedogpolicedog
                                                                  • Undecided

                                                                  @christine the plants vs zombies parody on battlefield is awesome!

                                                                • Avatar of Dr_Pain28Dr_Pain28
                                                                    • CFA Level 2

                                                                    I have a problem

                                                                  • Avatar of ShariGarzaShariGarza
                                                                      • CFA Level 2

                                                                      Not a console gamer at all. I’ve always been a PC fan, and no console could change my mind. I choose the PC because of its better graphics, better controls, and faster speed of action. I really don’t understand how to console people playing shooters – it’s too slow.

                                                                      • Avatar of ShariGarzaShariGarza
                                                                          • CFA Level 2

                                                                          “Not a console gamer at all. I’ve always been a PC fan, and no console could change my mind. I choose the PC because of its better graphics, better controls, and faster speed of action. I really don’t understand how to console people playing shooters – it’s too slow.”


                                                                          And, in the case of PCs, you can play online shooters that allow you to earn real money by selling skins and other in-game items. It’s a nice addition to a basic salary, and some people even manage to make good money with this trade. For me, it’s like a cool bonus of PC gaming. Does something like this exist for consoles too?

                                                                      • Avatar of DayssidersDayssiders
                                                                          • CFA Level 1

                                                                          Check out the solution which can backup Gmail messages to Office 365, Thunderbird, Yippee Mail, Zoho Mail, Hotmail, IMAP, Live Trade, and so on. The instrument offer choice to eliminate copy email and empty server space. Their Gmail backup rises the bar to a new level. You can attempt the demo to find out more about the software. Check out the solution which can backup Gmail messages to Office 365, Thunderbird, Yippee Mail, Zoho Mail, Hotmail, IMAP, Live Trade, and so on. The instrument offer choice to eliminate copy email and empty server space. Their Gmail backup rises the bar to a new level. You can attempt the demo to find out more about the software.

                                                                        • Avatar of StevenGreenStevenGreen
                                                                            • Undecided

                                                                            I am not a console gamer, but I like to spend my time by playing online games, especially on the site click this there I can enjoy every game everywhere and I recommend it to everyone who wants try something new

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