Student Lounge All About Likes and LOLs

All About Likes and LOLs

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      When viewing comments, you’ll notice that as you mouse over each comment, options to ‘Like’ or ‘LOL’ the particular comment pops up:

      Likes and LOLs are the virtual currencies in this forum, to send your thanks to the commenter. We like to keep the definitions for Liking and LOLing flexible, but in general…

      You may choose to Like a post:

      • when it’s particularly insightful, or inspiring…
      • …if it answers a question you asked…
      • …when it clarifies a CFA concept for you…
      • …or when it’s just plain awesome.

      You may choose to LOL a post:

      • when it makes you LOL! 😀

      When you Like or LOL a post, the commenter will get one point added to their total, and may also move closer to earning some badges. Liking and LOLing a post is a quick way to say to the commenter ‘I appreciate this comment!’, so click away!

    • Avatar of SnippySnippy
        • CFA Level 2

        I think this post is awesome. I have liked it.

        This is a demonstration.


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        Likes and loloz 😀

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