CFA CFA Level 3 Anyone else starting early for June 2014?

Anyone else starting early for June 2014?

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      Interested to know.

    • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
        • CFA Charterholder

        @Beancounter don’t worry – our analysis shows that a lot of people start after Dec and they do fine too. We’ve also got a lot of awesome L3 learnings in our new version of the report coming out soon 😉

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        @sherlock ditto; sure I am going to forget everything unrelated to work (not that I ever seemed to pick any of that up) and then there’s the endless musical chairs of fiddling around with the syllabus for each level every year.

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        My hard-copy LIII books arrived today – always used Schweser and e-books in the past. Genuinly taken aback at the outstandingly poor printing and binding quality, basically some glued together leaves of smudged toilet paper; well-worth $150, sorry $170, of anybody’s money clearly…

      • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
          • CFA Charterholder

          @vincentt looking forward to your challenging questions 😀

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          Is there anyone preparing for the level 3 exam who lives in Johannesburg?

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          I may kick off ethics next weekend. With heavy work commitment and an upcoming overseas trip, I have to factor these in.

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          I’m not used to having so much this between exams.

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          I wouldn’t start any hard studying too early as it might put a strain on your ‘memory retention’ abilities but it’s ultimately up to you.

          You can definitely start some light reading to familiarize yourself with what’s to come.

          If you do decide to start early, a study plan would definitely be a MUST. And lots of constant revision to ensure you don’t forget what you have learnt in reading 1 by the time you hit reading 10. For me, what works is to revise previous topics before I start a new one. With all the constant revision, it will become anchored in some part of your brain and even if you don’t know its there, its actually there.

        • Avatar of RaviVoodaRaviVooda
            • CFA Level 3

            I wouldn’t start any hard studying too early as it might put a strain on your ‘memory retention’ abilities but it’s ultimately up to you.

            You can definitely start some light reading to familiarize yourself with what’s to come.

            If you do decide to start early, a study plan would definitely be a MUST. And lots of constant revision to ensure you don’t forget what you have learnt in reading 1 by the time you hit reading 10. For me, what works is to revise previous topics before I start a new one. With all the constant revision, it will become anchored in some part of your brain and even if you don’t know its there, its actually there.

            Write down a summary notes. (handwritten preferably), its the best way to revise any subject faster.

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            I’m falling asleep with the notes. It goes around and around in circles. Schweser won’t be available until end of this month! :-S

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            Hmm @ zee you are right. Maybe we have to be more specific and imagine yourself being the no.100th player in the world. Level II preparation is like preparing to play Nadal on clay. I am about to start Level III studies – how would you describe that in tennis terms?

          • Avatar of mitch895mitch895
              • CFA Charterholder

              Damn it, I suck at tennis.

              Thanks guys

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              @pmwanderson I wouldn’t be using Schweser from 2012. It is definitely out of date. Purchase from Elan, very good quality notes and half the price of Schweser.

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              i want to start but i am a little confused as to how to start my preparations for level 1 as i dont have any work experience n finance and it has been almost two years since i last studied anything so any help would be much appreciated.

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              Not yet maybe in a month’s time? When are you planning to start?

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              Most people start in January – although a good portion start in Nov. Sept is pretty early! 😉

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              The content for reading 1 and 2 seem to be same as Level II?

              There are several readings which are identical between L1 and L2. In 2012 the first corporate finance SSs were identical to prior L1 readings.

              I think with the ethics you may find some of the examples are different. Also slightly further on there is more emphasis on brokerage.

            • Avatar of vincenttvincentt
                • CFA Level 3

                I might start around 2 months from now, if that’s considered early! 8 weeks left to enjoy.

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                @mitch895 Think Level I as playing tennis at your local tennis club on a Sunday afternoon and think of level II as playing Nadal on clay! Good luck!

              • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
                  • CFA Charterholder

                  @alta12 or perhaps L2 as playing 2 players at the same time at your local tennis club. If Nadal (on clay!) was L2 only about 2-3 candidates would stand a chance!

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                  Early birds @Sarah @RaviVooda @alta12! 🙂

                  Planning ahead is great move though, but pace yourself and remember it’s a marathon, not a sprint, and you’ll be fine!

                • Avatar of RaviVoodaRaviVooda
                    • CFA Level 3

                    Early birds @Sarah @RaviVooda @alta12! 🙂

                    Planning ahead is great move though, but pace yourself and remember it’s a marathon, not a sprint, and you’ll be fine!

                    This year I will be having lot of work. Have no choice I have to strike a balance 🙂

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                    I also have a heavy work commitment so I need to start early plus this time around I need a social life.

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                    I have started on ethics, just want to get that out of the way (before my post Level II holiday). The content for reading 1 and 2 seem to be same as Level II?

                    Don’t worry guys. Yes, I have a study plan 🙂

                  • Avatar of Peter_NapoliPeter_Napoli
                      • CFA Level 2

                      Officially going to start studying for CFAL2 (Cease FunActivitiessquared 😀
                      My biggest mistake was consistency of study working full-time, would do 5 hours one day and 20 minutes the next day if I was tired… Definitely starting early and sticking to regimen should help. Btw, anyone know the date schweser releases the ’14 study guides?

                    • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
                        • CFA Charterholder

                        Schweser’s full product calendar for Level 2:

                        Enjoy 🙂

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                        Thanks @MattyJ!

                      • Avatar of BeanCounterBeanCounter
                          • CFA Charterholder

                          I knew I shouldn’t have come to 300 Hours today. I haven’t started even looking at L3 revision yet and have been enjoying having a social life. Reading all of this makes me think it’s probably time to start now though. Oh well…

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                          So…. anyone started in earnest yet? 😀

                        • Avatar of mitch895mitch895
                            • CFA Charterholder

                            hey guys, I know there are other threads covering it, but how did you find the escalation in difficulty between Level 1 and Level 2? Did you find it was just Level 1 in more depth, or was there an expansion in the breadth of concepts, formulae and catch words?

                          • Avatar of RaviVoodaRaviVooda
                              • CFA Level 3

                              @mitch895, Level-2 is a very different ball game. The subjects are same, but concepts count are more and on top of it you need a good understanding. Since there is decrease in number of questions we cannot afford to miss the concepts as the probability of that concept showing on exam as a full item set is very high.

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                              I’m going for the June 2014 L1 too 🙂
                              However I still have old schweser book from 2012. Is there a topic I should start with where LOS hasn’t been changed too much? I am guessing Ethics and Economics? My books should be on the way though.

                            • Avatar of RaviVoodaRaviVooda
                                • CFA Level 3

                                @Alta12 I am planning to start in October

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                                Yeah, I’m starting now, for June as well. Got no choice, I’ve a five week old little girl on my lap as I write. I’ll need a few extra weeks as she takes up a fair chunk of my day.

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                                No you must come 😀 We’ve missed you @beancounter! Nah, you should continue having fun until post Christmas before starting 🙂

                              • Avatar of BeanCounterBeanCounter
                                  • CFA Charterholder

                                  I’ve bought the Allen notes – I may start using those as my bedtime reading.

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                                  I was thinking to start but I think I will start in January. I just want to enjoy being social.

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