CFA CFA Level 1 Which order should I study the topics?

Which order should I study the topics?

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    • Avatar of daragaodaragao
        • Undecided


        I’ve just registered in this forum, I am pretty sure someone asked this before.
        Does this order:
        really make sense? Or any order would be good?

        I am starting now, I will try to get some material to study this week, and have already planned my study schedule. I don’t know anything about finance, but eager to learn (freaking out a bit about not knowing anything) 🙂 I am aiming for 320 hours :cold_sweat:

      • Avatar of hairyfairyhairyfairy
          • Undecided

          Definitely not any order, because some topics (like Quant) should be learnt first, otherwise you’ll find it tough to grasp other topics. 

          I’d say either use the article’s recommendation, do them in order, or keep ethics for the end (all other topics in order).

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          To piggy back on Daragao’s request, can anyone tell me what is the best way to utilize this forum? What should I be looking for to help with exam prep as I am new to this site too. Thank you very much for any input.

        • Avatar of dollfacedollface
            • CFA Level 2

            I did them in order – Ethics was not a good start, so I’d recommend leaving it for later. It was super boring and I think studying other topics might give a bit more context to the Ethics material.

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            jabiller said:
            To piggy back on Daragao’s request, can anyone tell me what is the best way to utilize this forum? What should I be looking for to help with exam prep as I am new to this site too. Thank you very much for any input.

            Hi @jabiller – welcome to the forum! Any CFA or career related questions are welcome. The clearer your question and the more information you include, the more likely you’ll receive a great and helpful response. However please refrain from sharing any copyrighted material. Thanks!

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            daragao said:

            I’ve just registered in this forum, I am pretty sure someone asked this before.
            Does this order:
            really make sense? Or any order would be good?

            I am starting now, I will try to get some material to study this week, and have already planned my study schedule. I don’t know anything about finance, but eager to learn (freaking out a bit about not knowing anything) 🙂 I am aiming for 320 hours :cold_sweat:

            I never really understood the point of speculating too much about how important the order is. Just blast through it more or less in order, if there are certain topics that you’d rather leave to the end, leave it till the end. 

            Good luck!  🙂

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