CFA CFA Level 1 Schweser practice tests

Schweser practice tests

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    • Avatar of googs1484googs1484
        • CFA Level 3

        Has anyone been taking these?  If so, curious how everyone is doing. I’ve been attaining steady mid 70s to low 80s but not even sure if That’s good or bad.

      • Avatar of 9090bb9090bb
          • CFA Level 1

          Should I buy these?

        • Avatar of googs1484googs1484
            • CFA Level 3

            I would take as many as possible,  so yes.  I’ll probably end up taking the cfai mocks,  obviously,  along with Elan and any other vendor I can get my hands on before 6/6

          • Avatar of Stuj79Stuj79
              • CFA Charterholder

              Mid 70s to low 80s is definitely a solid score at this point, with a month still to go you can just concentrate on hammering in concepts and formulas so you have it all down “pat”. I was scoring around the same in Schweser tests when I took level 1 and ended up getting >70 in all but two sections (which I kind of breezed over as I was already familiar with it – although obviously not as familiar as I thought I was).

              But yeah, those scores should stand you in good stead….just don’t let up now – keep hammering away at it.

            • Avatar of googs1484googs1484
                • CFA Level 3

                Ironically, my last test I was bamboozled when I got a 8 out of 18 in Ethics. Of all things.  Can you fail ethics and still pass? On the actual exam? 

              • Avatar of Stuj79Stuj79
                  • CFA Charterholder

                  The “ethics adjustment” comes into play when you have a borderline pass/fail case….ethics questions count for exactly the same number of points as any other questions, and if you get a decent passing score then you pass, even if you “fail” ethics. However if you have a score that is right on the edge of a pass/fail then the CFAI can look to your ethics score and it can tip you over the edge in either a pass or fail direction….although it had previously been admitted by the CFAI that you are much more likely to be passed due to the ethics adjustment than failed. So I think the takeaway is that ethics are important as they can push you over the edge in borderline cases, however they will not save you if you mess up badly on the other sections. So just make sure you score highly enough that the ethics adjustment doesn’t need to even come into play and it’s problem solved 😉

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