CFA CFA Level 1 Question Bank

Question Bank

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      Hey everyone! 

      So I’ve finally decided to appear for CFA Level 1 in December 2017. Was wondering which question bank should I go for? I’m using schweser notes , borrowed from a friend. Are there any affordable good question banks around ? 

      Has anyone tried the finquiz question bank? Any help would be great! 


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      A bit hard to get your results when a girl has no name…

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      I used analystnotes at work to review a bit. I found it useful because they have a free trial and you can access it from work when you have a spare moment. I think there’s also a 300hours offer on for it at the moment.

      Have not used prepsmarter, although to be honest if you have enough practice assuming you also borrowed the Schweser practice exam books. June 2017 and Dec 2017 are the exact same syllabus so no worries there.

      valar dohaeris (sp?)

    • Avatar of tempotempo
        • CFA Level 2

        Hi @AryaStark – I did look around as well for an affordable one for my recent June L1 prep but wasn’t aware of any providers that have it separately as something you can buy (they normally bundle it with study materials etc).

        I ended up doing Kaplan’s mock, CFAI’s mock and got the last minute Prepatorial offer (30% off) on Offers page which thankfully was enough to pass L1.

        However, I did notice and manage to find a new provider called Adaptprep that you can buy access to its 2,500+ question bank, which seems pretty good quality for the price of $89 for 30 days.

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        But seriously, since you’re already saving a ton by borrowing (hopefully the most current) notes, spend a bit on qbanks and practice exams. Schweser’s is not bad, so is wiley. I’m not too sure about finquiz as the quality of answers has not been great.

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        @fabian Thank you so much for the advice. I’ve actually borrowed the materials from my friends June 2017 attempt. That should be okay right?? Question Bank – I’ll try to get Schweser then 🙂

        Valar Morghulis  

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        @tempo Thanks! Will definitely check out adaptprep. Any thoughts on analyst notes, fintrain and prepsmarter?

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