- This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated Mar-183:59 am by
Retaking CFA I after scoring band 10 in December 🙁 I have old Schweser material that I felt didn’t do the job. I’m buying the Elan test bank this go around.
Was also planning to buy the CFA materials printed this time as I study better with printed materials. Still at $170 (including shipping) does it make more sense to buy Elan’s study guides at $225 instead? Just wondering as I’ll get the online version of the CFA books with registration. For another $55 I’m thinking Elan makes sense. Sorry to be thinking about this amount of $$ but I may be paying for it all this time (vs. my employer). I feel like I’m so close I just need something to push me over the finish line and I’m wondering if the incrementally new material from Elan, compared to 99% of the same material only printed from CFA, wouldn’t do a better job of that.
Any advice is appreciated. Thanks! This forum is so helpful and really keeps my spirits up! -
Up::4Dear CFA Candidate,
First of all, if this message bothers you, please ignore it and I’m very sorry in that case.
As you and all people who study CFA certainly know, the CFA exams is a very challenging, which costs you a lot of time and effort to pass. So I think you should start learning early as soon as possible. I used to be candidates for CFA exams and thus, I deeply understand how difficult the exams are. After a long journey of hard learning, I and my friends have discovered one secret that help you much easier to learn and approach the CFA exam. It is to use Mind Maps. However, many of us do not have enough time to make our own Mind Maps. Therefore, we’ve already made the Mind Maps for you. The mind maps here are for CFA level 1 exam, which are built based on the up-to-date CFA curriculum and Schweser notes 2015. With them, you can summarize the main points for the first round of learning 10 topics and then for the next rounds, you just need to revise what you have summarized before, so this would be an effective way for you to study CFA. We have made a full set of Mind Maps for 10 topics equivalent to the content for your CFA exam. However, we can also provide one or several separate topics if you think you are just in need of less than 10 topics.
You can download a free trial version at the link:
And if you want to have the FULL MIND MAPS FOR ALL 10 TOPICS, please check them at the link below:
The cost of the full version is only 60 USD. I think they’re the SECRET that help you PASS the CFA Exam easily in just little time!
I am also pleased to give you a Free Full Package of 2015 CFA Level 1 Schweser Study NoteBooks and Question Bank to help you best prepare for the CFA Exam Level 1 in next June:
I wish you all health, happiness in your life and success in the exams.
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