CFA CFA Level 1 December exam- Wearing face covering during the exam!

December exam- Wearing face covering during the exam!

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      Have you checked the CFA website for Covid restrictions? It says that we have to wear face coverings during the exam. What if we cant wear it or 3 hours wearing face mask makes you stressed?

      Under the pandemic it is quite difficult. However, have CFA institue thought about how the candidates will deal with this situation? I am not against to wear face coverings but not during the exam total 6 hours!

      Please share your ideas.

      Based London.

    • Avatar of fp92fp92
        • CFA Level 1

        Hey @AygulG – I think it is what it is unfortunately. Yes I’ve seen that face covering is a requirement, which is good and safer for everyone.

        I personally think I would be more stressed if someone is sneezing and no one is wearing face coverings!

        During the exam, I doubt you’ll have time to feel stressed about face coverings though, as that will be the last thing in your mind as you focus on answering the questions.

        It may be a good practice to do practice papers under timed conditions with face coverings to better simulate the exam experience.

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