CFA CFA Level 1 Can CFA Level 1 candidates can register in their second-to-last year of university?


Can CFA Level 1 candidates can register in their second-to-last year of university?

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    • Avatar of gontatagontata
        • CFA Level 1

        I’ve heard that CFA Level 1 candidates can register in their second-to-last year of university and take the exam in their last year of uni, allowing them to access early-bird fees. Is this correct?

        I know the CFA Institute has changed their policy on this recently but it’s still not clear to me and people are saying different things everywhere.

        What is the accurate story on this? Thanks!

        Zee Tan voted upgontata voted upjujubeads voted up
      • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
          • CFA Charterholder

          Yes, the requirements have changed slightly, but not that much, mostly driven by the new exam schedule. Quoting CFA Institute:

          Your selected exam window must be 11 months or fewer before your graduation month for your bachelor’s degree or equivalent program. Understand that you must complete your degree program prior to the date of sitting your Level II exam.

          As I recall it used to be that you needed to be in your final year to register, but now they’ve just made it to be in your final year to sit for the exam. You still need to have completed your degree to progress to L2 though so there’s no extra time ‘saved’ from the previous setup.

          gontata voted up
        • Avatar of gontatagontata
            • CFA Level 1

            Awesome, thanks!!

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