CFA CFA General What will you do with the CFA?

What will you do with the CFA?

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    • Avatar of GelinatorGelinator
        • CFA Level 3

        Just wondering what everyone does/wants to do with all that wonderful knowledge?
        I stil haven’t figured out what I’m gonna do with it and I’m looking for ideas.

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        @rsparks CFA and capoeira – you wouldn’t happen to be related to @Lagarta would you?

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        My local CFA society has a jobs website, on which crop up familiar roles, e.g. equity analyst, portfolio manager, and less familiar roles, e.g. private placement analyst.
        My current role as a credit risk analyst might mean that I find it easier to take up similar roles when I earn the charter, but I really don’t know what I might end up doing in 2019 (when I expect to have the four years’ professional investment management experience).

        I’d like to try working abroad, perhaps NYC or Tokyo (I’ve lived there before, though).
        Smaller financial centres e.g. Geneva, Frankfurt, Singapore, Toronto, Hong Kong, don’t seem quite as appealing as I like to feel that I’m at the centre of it all.

        I’d also devote time which is presently scarce to my personal portfolio (in the UK we have ISAs, in the US these might be Roth IRAs) and invest for my future.

      • Avatar of puffy10puffy10
          • CFA Level 2

          marry and retire.

        • Avatar of GelinatorGelinator
            • CFA Level 3

            I guess I literally asked for it.

            @jasdev Try Canada. You’ll be needing at least three of those charters.

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            I really want to display my CFA certificate, but my wife is all like ‘dude it’s so ugly, it’s not hanging up in our house’.

            Thanks, honey, it’s only 4 years of my life I slaved for this.

          • Avatar of GelinatorGelinator
              • CFA Level 3

              Wow. If you consider this list “smaller financial centres”, I guess my possibilities will be quite scarce here in Quebec City. We got a few insurance companies, but even those have outposts in Montreal and Toronto for their financial operations.

              I guess my best bet is still accounting firms if I wanna do any sort of M&A transactions.

            • Avatar of rsparksrsparks
                • CFA Level 2

                I would like pursue my pre-cfa studies regime and get back into crime fighting, saving the world and capoeira. I have trademarked and coined the term BHDM (back-handed dividend model).

                In addition, i’m starting an investment company Vizzini Capital

                Slogan: “Have you ever heard of Plato? Aristotle? Socrates? Morons.”

                We challenge our investors to a battle of wits; for the princess and to the death.

                Our basic investment philosophy: never get involved in land wars in Asia or go against Sicilians when death is on the line.

                Part of our employment screening is a drug test for iocane powder with a development plan for those without to build up tolerance. 

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                My bedroom is a little draughty. I imagine that the CFA charter is just the right size and thickness to effectively insulate my bedroom, protecting me when winter rolls in again. #toasty

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