CFA CFA General What was the most distracting thing during your exam(s)?

What was the most distracting thing during your exam(s)?

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    • Avatar of PaulAdaptPrepPaulAdaptPrep
        • Undecided

        Anyone have stories of something that significantly distracted them during their exam(s)? What were some distractions you specifically had to fight – both internal (thoughts, worries, hunger) or external (coughing, wheezing, people moving around, bad smells)?

      • Avatar of RoyDRoyD
          • Undecided

          I usually get distracted by a song which gets into my head in the morning and continues throughout the day. It’s too damn annoying especially if it’s a song which I don’t like. That’s the worst.
          Once I was also place right below the AC and next to the window with the morning sun banging by face and no air from the AC. I was literally sweating beads and the invigilator didn’t change my place until she saw my paper and desk were getting wet.  :p

        • Avatar of simply_complex2simply_complex2
            • CFA Level 1

            i find myself lip syncing random pop songs…im totally normal

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            the friggin’ cold! solving the paper while freezing due to the AC is a distraction indeed! carrying that jacket helps but not much you can do about your palms

          • Up

            that’s a neat idea…but dont you think it would be inconvenient to write stuff when in gloves, although fingerless? guess it would require some practice too 😉 

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            During the exam, at some point there will always be a random guy outside the exam hall talking or yelling in a really loud voice.

          • Avatar of mattycmattyc
              • CFA Charterholder

              I do my best studying in the library and this year there was one guy that was just sniffing every 5 seconds that would drive me nuts! He had headphones on so I guess he had no idea how annoying he was being. If I have to go through that again Ill just walk up and throw a box of tissues at him. 😉

              I tend to get distracted by kind of repetitive noise which is why earplugs at the test center is just as important as my calculator.

            • Avatar of PaulAdaptPrepPaulAdaptPrep
                • Undecided

                You could try fingerless gloves. Looks a little funny during the summer buts its effective. I worked in Denver for a time and I had a corner cubicle. I thought it was neat, until winter hit and I realized the windows were not well insulated. I worked daily in fingerless gloves the whole winter.

                LOL. I wonder if they have protocols if you sweat out the exam papers.

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