Hello All
I am reading through 2016 CFA Institute Curriculum for Level II Program.
In volume I, Reading 11, at page 431 there is an example 8 with accompanying table 7.
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The table 7 presents data for 2014 US CPI Inflation (Annualized). The source of data is US Bureau of Labor Statistics.
I have checked their official website http://www.bls.gov/cpi/home.htm looking for that table with no result.
I have also searched for it in archive database containing history of CPI-U U.S where all items indexes and annual percent changes are from 1913 to present and are available under, for instance, the following link http://www.bls.gov/cpi/cpid1411.pdf in the CPI Detailed Report as Table 24. Still could not find these figures.
I would like to perform my own calculations based on that table 7.
Could any kindly indicate in detailed manner which table is it taken from as I am foreigner and not familiar with US Bureau of Labor Statistics organizational data set?
Many thanks!