CFA CFA General Study strategies

Study strategies

  • Author
    • Lyn
        • CFA Level 1

        What’s the best way to study for these exams? There are a lot of books. Does it make sense to read every single word? There has to be a better way….any suggestions?

      • PaulAdaptPrep
          • Undecided

          Ben from our team has a blog post on his recommendations. There’s nothing wrong with reading every single word, it just probably is not the most efficient. 

          There is a lot of material to cover. Not all of it is equally testable. You also are likely already familiar with a lot of it. So the key is to focus on the things you need to know.

          We promote a method of quickly covering the material and moving to actually working problems as quickly as possible. Practice problems are the best way to actually verify you grasp a topic. 

          The method we recommend using our material is:
          1) Watch Video Lessons
          2) Review Manual (Study Notes) while watching videos or afterward
          3) Read the CFA Summary
          4) Work CFAI end of chapter problems
          5) Work Quiz problems in Adapt Exam Engine
          6) IF its apparent you’re going to need a deeper dive for that topic, do the full reading and work problems again.

          Our material is purposely targeted for people who want to study efficiently. Some providers give you another 6 books to read on top of the CFAI material. If you’re spending time reading, you should start with the CFA’s source curriculum. 

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