CFA CFA General Even Though I Failed…There Was Progress

Even Though I Failed…There Was Progress

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      I talked about reframing failure in a previous post and probably because I wasn’t working I forgot to mention the greatest benefit of spending a grueling 400 hours studying level two. I learned stuff, lots of stuff.

      Not to mention with all that memory work I had done I was able to absorb and remember information even better than before. Another plus that I hadn’t realized.

      Even with my very philosophical approach to failure I was a little miffed that after dedicating four months to studying. I had nothing to show for. No progress. It sort of had a dampening effect on my mood.


      I recently started working with the AML (Anti-Money Laundering team) a couple of days ago and most of the time I have spent at work is training and more training and being bombarded with information. And it dawned upon me that some of the material that I learned in FRA is useful here. That I still remember the formulas and theories and even though it says Level II Candidate beside my name I still apply the information that I have learned. It was a good day at work even though I finished an hour late. By the end of the day people were asking me for my opinion when they came across a problem.

      A few people at work even compared me to Mike Ross in Suits.
      I’m so thankful to those crazy months that were spent drowning in CFA material.
      It was a good day.

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      Mike Ross in Suits – best compliment ever @Sarah!

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      Yea. It made me realize that my efforts wasn’t wasted.

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      It isn’t really a job. A quick 5 week contract. By the time I settle in it will be time to leave.

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      @Sarah Congrats on your new job 🙂

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      @Sarah I work in Corp. Finance and FRA is by far and away the most useful part of the syllabus IMHO so glad you feel it wasn’t for nothing!

    • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
        • CFA Charterholder

        Awesome side benefits @sarah!

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