CFA CFA General Ethics, are they the same across all the CFA levels?

Ethics, are they the same across all the CFA levels?

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    • Avatar of mincemeat23mincemeat23
        • CFA Level 1

        Just leafing through Ethics at the moment and although it all seems digestible the questions threw me completely by surprise. Confusing as hell. Just wondering whether L2 and L3 have basically the same type of topics and questions for Ethics, or does it somehow become ‘harder’ and more advanced?

      • Avatar of policedogpolicedog
          • Undecided

          They are essentially the same material, but the questions get more difficult. The questions situations get more ambiguous, the focus is on different areas (L2 and L3 tends to focus more on portfolio management). It’s always a good idea to reread ethics at every level, if what you’re thinking is trying to save some time by skipping ethics in L2 and L3….

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          There are some topics that get more focus in different levels – for example, L3 no longer has GIPS.

        • Avatar of mincemeat23mincemeat23
            • CFA Level 1

            Thanks all! my approach is going to be a quick read through then practice questions. If you have any additional tips i would be very grateful to have them!

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