CFA CFA General Asset Manager Code of Professional Conduct – Memorize? How Much?

Asset Manager Code of Professional Conduct – Memorize? How Much?

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    • Avatar of lancelot18lancelot18
        • CFA Level 3

        Hi All,

        Having taken level 1 and 2 a long time ago, the Asset Manager Code of Professional Conduct is new. I’ve always done well on ethics but wanted some advice from others who have taken the test.

        I fully understand the section, but I was wondering what level of memorization was needed (especially for the essay section of III). Would memorizing the general principles of conduct and the main section headers of the code be sufficient or must all the sub-sections be memorized to do well?

        I don’t mean for this to be a question between learning and memorizing as I will (and have) fully learned the material… only should it be memorized to be cited in the essay section.

        Thanks in advance!

      • Up

        Ethics usually appears in the PM (multiple choice) paper, see here: https://forum/

        I’d say a similar approach to Level 1 and 2 applies. From what I can remember Level 3 Ethics was a lot more intuitive to answer than previous levels.

      • Avatar of lancelot18lancelot18
          • CFA Level 3

          Thank you… this helps a lot!

        • Avatar of gilantunbalancegilantunbalance
            • CAIA Level 2

            Memorize the six core principles and main section headers. Understand the sub-sections well enough to apply them but no need to memorize word for word. Focus on structured, practical application in essays.

            Curve Rush

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