- This topic has 8 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated Oct-186:35 pm by
8 CFA Candidate Mistakes You Could Be Making
Besides not studying enough, there’s a ton of things that could go wrong when you’re preparing for your CFA exam. These can stem from trying shortcuts when you shouldn’t, but also sometimes from just…
I tried clicking the link for what to bring into the exam but it is not working. Any other link that provides that information?
Hey @Nikhil
I’ll be honest with you – based on what I’ve seen it does not look good. You can find historical precedence on the CFA website:
Despite this requirement, six Level I candidates and six Level II candidates used their exam ticket or other surface as scratch paper during the exam. The CFA Institute Professional Conduct Program investigated these matters and found that the candidates engaged in the conduct, thereby violating the CFA Program Exam Rules. Four candidates accepted the sanction of Private Censure/Reprimand and Voiding of Exam Results; six candidates accepted the sanction of One-Year Suspension from Participation in the CFA Program and Voiding of Exam Results; and one candidate accepted the sanction of Three-Year Suspension from Participation in the CFA Program and Voiding of Exam Results. One candidate requested a Hearing Panel. After consideration of the evidence, the Hearing Panel imposed the sanction of One-Year Suspension from Participation in the CFA Program and Voiding of Exam Results.
Hope that helps.
You might get lucky though. Here’s the list of past statistics on sanctions: http://www.cfainstitute.org/ethics/Documents/Professional%20Conduct%20Program%20Documents/can_discipline_stats.pdf
Hi @Fedjak, the link is this one: http://www.300hours.com/blog/cfa-exam-day-checklist-items
We’ve also fixed the broken link – thanks for letting us know! Have a Beta Tester badge 🙂
I received a letter at my residence stating that i had violated the CFA code of ethics and PC program guidelines for writing on the hall ticket. I did not even remember this. I have sent them a mail telling them i might have done so just to estimate the number of questions i might have attempted correctly in my first session. I have clearly stated my case. What do you think would most likely happen? I definitely do not want my results to be voided because of this.
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