Career Discussions CFA and Accountancy

CFA and Accountancy

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    • Avatar of etugume7etugume7
        • Undecided

        Hello People, Am new here. Just need some advise. I am mesmerized by CFA, I love CFA, I want to do CFA in fact am planning to sit the Dec 5th Level 1 Exam. Well, I also have a Masters in Banking and Investment Management. Opportunities for Career in Investment have been elusive so am considering Accounting. Can CFA help one build a sound Accountancy career? My early qualification is a Bachelor in Business Administration (Accounting). What do you guys think?

      • Avatar of manish84002manish84002
          • Undecided

          CFA is not a course it is a solution of many problems…..  In investment industry u can not use same stratergy all the time because outside world regularly changes….   Accounting is just a data management and use in day routine work

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