CFA CFA Level 1 Full Time Cfa vs Part time

Full Time Cfa vs Part time

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    • Avatar of YeshankYeshank
        • CFA Level 1

        I am giving my l1 for the third time in december 15

        i am just wondering if i should get a job as well

        i have never had a job and joined cfa straight out of college 
        i am 22 now and my cv is quite plain as well (working on some short time certification courses to bild cv)

        i am just confused if i should join a job in the finance market or should i keep going full time student (i would be going for june 16 when i clear dec 15)

        looking for some senior members to guide me 

        all advice is appreciated


      • Avatar of dodododo
          • CFA Charterholder

          I think work experience is always helpful and can aid internalization of some content in the CFA material. The downside is the limited time you have to study but I hazard a guess that more than 50% of passing candidates have full time jobs so it’s definitely doable.

          My advice would be for you to join a job.

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