CFA CFA Level 1 CFA Study Curriculum

CFA Study Curriculum

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      Hi there,

      I am preparing taking the August 2021 Level 1 examination.This will give me 6 months to prepare,if registered in February 2020 early registration deadline.

      But my question is,because of insufficient fund preparing for this examination,purchasing a laptop,calculator,and getting my international passport in my country Nigeria,and the unfavorable exchange rate,I am planning study for the Level 1 with the CFA curriculum to be provided at registration alone.

      Is the CFA curriculum adequate for me to study and understand within the time,and pass?

      Please anyone help with more information on the use of the CFA study curriculum alone for the level 1 examination.


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      Hi @obichinno – CFA curriculum is more than adequate for the CFA exams. It is where the content will be tested anyway. The “issue” most candidates find is the length/comprehensiveness of the curriculum that may take more time than other third party study materials. Tons of candidates passed the exams with the curriculum alone.

      While 6 months is a guideline, it mostly depends on the number of study hours you can achieve in that period (please refer to this time plan guide), which depends whether you’re a student, have a full time job etc (basically other life commitments).

      If you’re already planning for Aug21, why not register sooner and start studying? Why wait till you have 6 months left?

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