- This topic has 119 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated Dec-238:54 am by
@SidMenon’s post on Scrabble got me thinking – can we play a game right on this forum? I had a quick think and search online and may have something that will help CFA prep at the same time (at the risk of sounding too much like an after school special… :D)
If this goes well, the benefits of playing the game would be:
1. An increasing knowledge of CFA terms and definitions
2. Forum pointsA win-win! I start the game by stating and defining a particular CFA Term:
White knight: A third party that is sought out by the target company’s board to purchase the target in lieu of a hostile bidder.
The next person (i.e. the next person to reply to this thread) will have to take the last three letters of my Term (in this case G-H-T from ‘white kniGHT’) and their CFA term has to start with any of these letters (so maybe he/she would define ‘Treynor-Black model’). And so on and so forth.
1. Honour code – try not to Google things up beforehand, give it a go at trying to come up with a Term from memory.
2. You can’t reply to your own Term – you’ll have to wait for someone else to reply first. i.e. I can’t reply to this first post, but if someone else chips in I then can reply to that one.
3. If you like a particular Term, you can send the player a little love and points by liking that reply.
4. A winner will eventually be announced – either after a certain time, or a certain number of replies, we’ll tally up each persons Terms and points earned and see who the leaders are.So the next person’s Term has to start with G, H or T – and no using ‘Treynor-Black Model’ 😀
High water mark – A performance incentive, usually used in hedge funds. The fund manager who falls under this incentive strategy earns a commission only when he has outperformed the previous highest return achieved by the fund.
Venture Capital: alternative asset class whereby investment is injected into startup companies. Considered risky due to high chance of failure of the underlying business.
Time Horizon : One of the constraints to consider in an IPS. It refers to listing down and analysing the time constraints of the client, which would help the manager in devising a appropriate investment plan.
(Sorry dunno how to paste a photo of the formula in?)
@mattjuniper there is a button which looks like a photo in the formatting box – use that to insert photos. You can also insert hyperlinks and so on!
Key rate duration: Method of measuring the interest rate sensitivities of a fixed-income instrument or portfolio to shifts in key points along the yield curve.
Due Diligence: gathering enough information to support your conclusion otherwise you might be liable and people will sue you for damages.
Unrealised return : The return that has accumulated but not yet cashed in. (I’ve given a very raw definition. Correct me if I’m wrong)
Normal contango = The condition in futures markets in which futures prices are higher than expected spot prices.
Net income: profit after all relevant expenses have been deducted, including interest, tax, depreciation and amortization.
A frequent Level 3 question: roll yield = The yield that a futures investor captures when their futures contract converges to the spot price, in this case where the market is in backwardation
Depreciation: spreading the cost of a long-term asset over its usable life (and several reporting periods)
Gamma: A numerical measure of how sensitive an option’s delta (rate of change of value) is to a change in the underlying asset. Gamma is highest when option is at the money (ATM) and lowest when far in the money or out of money.
Also, gamma radiation is responsible for this jolly green giant.
Leading indicator = A set of economic variables whose values reach peaks and troughs in advance of the rest of the economy.
Legal and Regulatory constraints : One of the constraints to consider while drafting an IPS for a client. It is exactly what the name suggests, and serves to inform and guide the portfolio manager with respect to the Legal constraints of the client, if any. (Mostly Legal and Regulatory constraints are with respect to institutional investors)
Leverage: a method used to amplify gains and losses, think Baring’s bank. It was sunk by the use of future contracts (which my their nature use tons of leverage). Leverage is also a good tv show!
Ibbotsen Chen Equity Risk Premium: a model for finding the appropriate equity risk premium
(Sorry dunno how to paste a photo of the formula in?)
Intra day trading : A trading strategy employed to exploit the mispricing and movements of securities during the trading hours in a day.
LOL, I think EBITDA has been done before…
Did I say EBITDA? Must have been the predictive text on the iPad, as I definitely typed EBIT 😉
LOL, I think EBITDA has been done before…
Did I say EBITDA? Must have been the predictive text on the iPad, as I definitely typed EBIT 😉
And also added ‘amortization and depreciation’ all on its own. iOS predictive text is getting too omniscient.
Contango and Backwardation concepts never ceased to confuse me. @-)
Reminds me of one of the comments posted on the Goldman Sachs Elevator Twitter account:
GS Banker 1: “My girlfriend thought backwardation was a sexual thing.”
GS Banker 2: “There’s a keeper.” -
Sales risk – Uncertainity about firm sales.
P.S. Sorry if this is too damn simple a term. Whatever popped in my head i put eere.
Impairment: Value decrease in books due to difference in book value and fair/salvage value of certain assets.
Tankan survey one of the most talked about or written about term in asian economy especially Japan.
Well its an economic survey of the companies of japan issued by their central bank which is then used to formulate their monetary policies.
Wow, don’t recall seeing this, good to know!
Here’s the link, I just happened to read the same, so sent you one.
Tail value at risk = expected value of the loss given that an event outside a given probability level has occurred (the VAR plus the expected loss in excess of VAR)
Salvage value = The amount the company estimates that it can sell the asset for at the end of its useful life.
Uptick rules = Trading rules that specify that a short sale must not be on a downtick relative to the last trade at a different price.
This was what happened during the 2008 crisis…
Option: A financial instrument allowing the ability to sell or buy a particular asset at a pre-determined price.
(I did that from memory, not sure if that is the right definition!)
Option-Adjusted Spread: The spread of a bond over treasuries once the premium/discount for an embedded option has been removed.
Exchange Traded Fund: A security that tracks an index, a commodity or a basket of assets like an index fund, but trades like a stock on an exchange, thus experiencing price changes throughout the day as it is bought and sold.
ETFs trade throughout whole day, so prices are always updated, while mutual funds only have a price at the close of the day. ETFs are also cheaper use compared to mutual funds.
Net Present Value: the current value of a particular asset. Calculated by summing up the current value of all future cash inflows, minus all future cash outflows.
Noooo…just realised that I wasn’t looking at page 2, so ‘depreciation’ is wrong! What a loser…
REIT: Real Estate Investment Trust. An alternative asset class, basically a firm or fund specializing in real estate investments, including commercial office spaces, hotels, shopping centres, warehouses, hospitals, and so on.
Safety-first rule. Rules for portfolio selection that focus on minimizing the risk that portfolio value will fall below a minimum acceptable level over some time horizon.
Earnings before taxes : The earnings of the company before the applicable taxes have been deducted.
Keep getting the same letters lol.
Indifference curve – A curve which shows combinations of risk and return with for which an investor is indifferent.
Rate duration: A bond’s sensitivity to a change in maturity, all other points in the yield curve being constant. Nothing to do with time.
new growth theory = a.k.a endogenous growth model, this theory argues that economy growth is a function of innovation, human capital and knowledge (no external factors).
ANOVA = a statistical procedure that attributes variation in dependent variable to the regression model or a residual
Tankan survey one of the most talked about or written about term in asian economy especially Japan.
Well its an economic survey of the companies of japan issued by their central bank which is then used to formulate their monetary policies.
Economic indicators – Stats provided by government/organizations that contain information on the economy’s recent past activity, or present/future positions in the business cycle.
P.S. Why has this thread become so inactive?
@AJFinance – preferably for Sharpe Ratio you should include a definition of the formula! e.g.
And to continue the game…
Sunk Cost: A cost that have been incurred and are unrecoverable no matter what business decision is made. Commonly used in NPV/IRR project evaluation CFA questions.
Value Investing – principle of investment strategy focusing on buying equity that is priced low in relation to earnings or assets.
Kurtosis – degree of peakedness of a distribution graph. Normal distribution has a kurtosis value of 3, positive kurtosis is leptokurtic and has a sharper peak, negative kurtosis is platykurtic and has a flatter peak.
@xyz I’m still working on learning the English alphabet?
split-rate tax system: When retained earnings and dividends are taxed at different rates. Dividends are taxed at a lower rate to compensate for the double taxation that dividends are faced with.
Sample : A set of representative sample observations from the original statistical population.
Goal based investing – A technique wherein the investments are divided into layers and matched to specific goals. The riskiness of the investments rises with each layer. So the bottom most layer would contain almost risk free assets to meet the essential life goals.
Informationally efficient capital market – A market wherein the current price reflects all existing information about the security.
If you read @MattJuniper’s signature together with the Borat picture…. priceless.
Illiquid asset: an asset where conversion to other asset forms is not easily achieved. Usually this has a significant influence on the value of the asset itself.
Initial public offering (IPO): When a company goes public by issuing common stock on an exchange.
Share price: the price of a single share, usually by reference to the current market price albeit could also apply to privately held shares as well.
Data-mining bias = Bias that results from repeatedly researching to prove a certain point until some statistically significant pattern is found.
Salvage value – the remaining value of an asset at the end of its useful life.
@sidmenon not a problem! It gets harder as time goes by… 😀
serial correlation = a problem in regression analysis where the residuals are correlated over time intervals.
VAR (Value at risk) : A risk measure that provides the probability of loss at a given level of risk. (Please correct me if this is wrong)
On the run / off the run treasuries.
On the run treasuries – is the latest or most frequently traded treasury securities of its maturity. They are the most liquid securities.
Off the run treasuries – The moment new treasury security of any maturity is issued then existing securities become off the run securities. This securities tend to be less liquid. 🙂
A type of market, where small (few) group of firms control the over all market share hence the market.
Implicit cost
its an opportunity cost related to undertaking a certain project like depreciation on mach used for capital project
Receiver swaption = An option that allows the holder to enter into a swap as the fixed-rate receiver and floating-rate payer.
straddle = the sale of a put and a call on the same underlying asset at the same exercise price and maturity. It’s a bet that the asset price would be stable and not volatile.
Dividend Discount Model: a method of valuing dividend-paying stocks, essentially by calculating the present value of all dividends to perpetuity.
Growth Investing – Investment strategy that focuses on investing in equities with relatively high fundamental ratios like P/E,P/B . In short, a security that is priced high relative to earnings or assets. The relatively low earnings compared to price indicates high earnings growth potential.
Oh noes I made a mistake! You are absolutely correct. PVGO is used to estimate how much of the stock price is related to the growth component of the company and the “left-over” component is the value of the company if there was no growth.
@AJFinance gets an extra like from me for pointing that out – didn’t see that either 😀
Information coefficient
The correlation between forecast and actual values – used to demonstrate or analyse the skill of financial analysts -
equity carve outs = a type of restructuring process where a new independent company is created by giving a proportionate equity interest in a subsidiary to outside shareholders through stock public offering.
Bear Hug – when the acquiring firm goes around the management and straight to the board of directors. This usually only happens when the management isn’t being all nice and friendly about the M&A deal.
EPS: Earnings per share. The amount of income earned per share of stock. Commonly used as a rough gauge of performance, one of many metrics in equity research.
Takeover: a merger, usually hostile. The target company’s managements’ ego is bruised.
(excuse the poor grammar at the end)
Vertical integration: expanding your business to incorporate parts of the supply chain that occur before or after the market where the business currently operates
Non-cash charge: a charge/expense which is passed through the profit & loss account but is based on a balance sheet movement only rather than a cash outflow.
triangular arbitrage: a three currency transaction that exploits the difference to earn a mostly risk-less profit.
Geometric mean: A mean calculation one order higher than an arithmetic mean. I.e. in arithmetic mean you sum all and divide by n, in geometric mean you multiply all and take the root of n.
(OK that was a really un-textbooklike explanation…)
LIFO: last in first out, a method of assigning a value to ‘cost of goods’ given the stock you hold in your inventory, where the most recent item bought is the one you use
…..FIFO. first in first out, a method of assigning a value to COGS given the stock in inventory, where the first items in entire inventory are deemed to be used first. 😀
Where’d you get ‘B’ from @diya? But it’s ok this means I can add…
H-model: A dividend discount model variation where a period of abnormal growth is assumed, followed by normal long term sustained growth. Formula represented by:
TVM = time value of money. The principle of value of money given a certain interest and certain period of time, with the core assumption that the same amount of money has different buying powers across time due to factors such as inflation and interest.
earnings per share: the amount of earnings attributable to each share subscribed in the company. EPS = (Net Profit)/(number of shares)
Tankan survey one of the most talked about or written about term in asian economy especially Japan.
Well its an economic survey of the companies of japan issued by their central bank which is then used to formulate their monetary policies.
Wow, don’t recall seeing this, good to know!
@sidmenon – naturally we would run out of terms to play with! Might be time to tally the scores…
Haha, but there are SO MANY terms out there. But i don’t mind having the scores being tallied and maybe the winner gets a badge? 😛
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