Free CFA Level 2 Mock Exam: 44 Questions & Answers

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CFA Level 2 candidates, we know you need lots of practice questions to pass one of the more challenging CFA levels. So, here’s our free CFA Level 2 mock exam for more practice, thanks to our partner IFT.

This is a 2 hour 12 minutes, 44 questions practice exam, weighted as per CFA Institute’s guidance. This is a proper mock exam, rather than independent question-bank-type questions, as it uses the item-set and vignette format that’s the same as the actual exam.

Just like our free CFA Level 1 or Level 3 mock exam, you can take the test online or download the PDF questions, with full answers and analytics included – all for free!

After submitting your answers online, you’ll instantly be sent a personalized report giving you your score, detailed answer explanations and a comparison of your performance to the rest of the candidate population. We’ve also included awesome tidbits in the results email like month performance trends and topic-by-topic analysis.

Don’t miss out!

Our free CFA Level 2 mock exam: How it works

After submitting your answers, you’ll instantly be sent a personalised test result report and all answer explanations. 

You’ll get a topic breakdown with your results email, showing weak areas, helping you focus on topics that will help raise your exam performance the most. You’ll also receive comparative statistics on where you stand with the rest of the sample, better informing you if you need to double down on revision.

The practice test can be online on most devices you own. You can take it right now, or bookmark this page to come back later. Just click through the questions, fill in your details and click ‘Submit’.

You can do this CFA Level 2 mock exam in two ways:

  • online (either right now via the form below, or bookmarking this page to come back later); or
  • offline, by downloading the PDF questions and submitting your answers below when done.

Good luck, and hope you find this useful! How did your mock exam went? Let us know in the comments below. And if you’d like even more practice, there are more study materials available in our Offers section.

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Zee Tan

View Comments

  • Is the answer to No. 9 right?

    It says the sale can only be made if not doing so would cause "extreme financial hardship".

    The CFA's "Standards of Practice Handbook" has an almost identical scenario in question 26. It says the sale can be made "as long as the sale does not disadvantage current clients".

    Any thoughts?

  • The "right" option in No. 41 is very badly phrased. I can see why no one gets it correct.

  • Is this a bit out of date, or am I just kidding myself? The corporate finance section in particular was about stuff I hadn't seen before. Which bit of the syllabus is it?

    • Hi Jeff, yes it will once you filled in the required fields in the form, along with your answer choices. You'll also get a copy of it in your email for reference to go through and review.

      Hope this helps!

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Zee Tan

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